
The Secret To Natural Immunity

Written by Dr. Daniel Kimbley I used to be scared--overly scared--of germs and bacteria. I would use hand sanitizer multiple times a day, even wash my hands every time I had a free moment. What I realized though, was that no matter how much 'protection' from...

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Surfing: Balance, Stability and Coordination

Written by Dr. Daniel Kimbley Every surfer knows just how important balance, stability, and coordination are to performance when that nice summertime swell hits. You can't control the swell, the wind, or the water temperature, but you can control your response to the swell when the sets...

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Your Child’s Healthy Brain

Written by Dr. Daniel Kimbley Almost every visitor we get to our office notices our kids adjusting table, "Leo the Lion". This usually leads to questions about children receiving care in our office. Our answer is always OF COURSE the care we provide in our office...

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Healthy Hormones

Written By Dr. Daniel Kimbley Have you ever wondered why some people seem to bounce off the walls with energy while others struggle through the day with multiple cups of coffee? It all has to do with our body's hormonal system. We all know that having...

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